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English Language and English Proficiency Levels Free Essays
string(89) " instruments that are used to determine the results on what is being taught by teachers\." Carrie Wertepny Domain 1: Culture (Cross-Cultural Communications) Standard 1: Culture as a Factor in ELLs’ Learning Why are having Domain’s and Standards important to teachers? Domains and Standards play a huge part in giving teachers indicators on their children’s performances. We as teachers need certain domains and standards on identifying and monitoring the children’s performances throughout the classroom. Having standards allows us as teachers to indicate their levels of ability and performances to be met. We will write a custom essay sample on English Language and English Proficiency Levels or any similar topic only for you Order Now Their are three levels of standards that can be measured on the children’s ability how well they perform. The three types of standards that teachers use are Approaches Standards, Meet Standards and Exceeds Standards. ( 2003. by teachers of English speakers of other languages, Inc, TESOL ) In Culture (Cross-Cultural Communications) the first domain of five. This is an important factor in ELLs to learn and understand the language knowledge from the diverse backgrounds. The most recent survey says in (2005-2006) the population of ELL’s is up approximately 10 percent of the total public school enrolled and increasing every year. (Why TESOL? pg 5-6) Why TESOL? States, â€Å"Providing for the English Language learners is one of the school districts greatest challenges. †Their are many indicators we can use to help us engage in our children’s diversity. Some ideas I found interesting to help would be, displaying artifacts from different cultures. Celebrating ethnic holidays throughout the year would be a great way to inform others and help the children feel comfortable. I believe that getting to know your students background and engaging in their life stories will help us succeed and be effective in their learning for ELL’s and their diverse background. Performance Indicators 1. 1. a. Understand and apply knowledge about cultural values and beliefs in the context of teaching and learning of ELLs, from diverse backgrounds and at varying English proficiency levels. 1. 1. b. Understand and apply knowledge of concepts of cultural competence, particularly knowledge about how cultural identities affect learning and academic progress for students from diverse backgrounds and at varying English proficiency levels. 1. 1. c. Use a range of resources in learning about the cultural experiences of ELLs and their families to guide curriculum development and instruction. . 1. d. Understand and apply knowledge about the effects of racism, stereotyping, and discrimination in teaching and learning of ELLs from diverse backgrounds and at varying English proficiency levels. 1. 1. e. Understand and apply knowledge about home/school connections to build partnerships with ELLs’ families (e. g. , Parent Leadership Councils (PLC)). 1. 1. f. Understan d and apply knowledge about concepts related to the interrelationship between language and culture for students from diverse backgrounds and at varying English proficiency levels. Course| Indicator(s)| How I learned about this Standard| Evidence that I learned about this standard| TSL 4080| 1. 1| Why Tesol? Chapters 1-4| Victor video, You tube| TSL 4081| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Domain 3: Methods of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Standard 1: ESL/ESOL Research and History Teachers will demonstrate knowledge of history, public policy, research and current practices in the field of ESL/ESOL teaching and apply this knowledge to improve teaching and learning for ELLs. See attached paper) Performance Indicators 3. 1. a. Demonstrate knowledge of L2 teaching methods in their historical context. 3. 1. b. Demonstrate awareness of current research relevant to best practices in second language and literacy instruction. 3. 1. c. Demonstrate knowledge of the evolution of laws and policy in the ESL profession, including program models for ELL instruction. Course| Indicator(s)| How I learned about this Standard| Evidence that I learned about this standard| TSL 4080| 3. 1| Why Tesol? School research paper and Reserch| TSL 4081| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Hyperlinks to (attached documents must be saved in the Portfolio folder) Attachment(s): School research paper URL(s): Summary: See attached paper, for Domains 1,3,5 Domain 5: Assessment (ESOL Testing and Evaluation) Standard 1: Assessment Issues for ELLS Teachers will understand and apply knowledge of assessment issues as they affect the learning of ELLs from diverse backgrounds and at varying English proficiency levels. Examples include cultural and linguistic bias; testing in two languages; sociopolitical and psychological factors; special education testing and assessing giftedness; the importance of standards; the difference between formative and summative assessment; and the difference between language proficiency and other types of assessment (e. g. , standardized achievement tests). Teachers will also understand issues around accountability. This includes the implications of standardized assessment as opposed to performance-based assessments, and issues of accommodations in formal testing situations. As teachers it is very important to understand and beware of the different testing and assessing the students. Testing and assessment are two very different things. Mitchell (1992) states that a test is a â€Å"single-occasion, one-dimensional, and timed exercise, usually in multiple choice or short-answer form. †(Why Tesol, pp 201)  Tests are given in the same time frame and the conditions never change. They call these standardized tests. Not all standardized tests work for everyone, especially English Language Learners (Ell)s . An assessment on a student is a done on a wider range of a scale. We as teachers need to get a more oral assessment on the knowledge, background, history, language where the (ELL)s came from. Upon entering a new school for the first time, us as teachers need to know everything about our student’s background and language. We ask every parent or guardian to fill out an Home Language Survey (HLS) which in tails about 3-5 questions about their language used at home. This (HLS) will give us an indication how much school the student has had and a background about their family as well as their native language. It is up to administrators to make sure the students are placed correctly and teachers to watch and document their language growth throughout the year. As for the testing and assessing, formal and informal are a type of assessment that is brought in to teach ESL students. It is important to test them on their linguistic skills, which include, phonology, morphology, syntax, and vocabulary. These are just language assessments instruments that are used to determine the results on what is being taught by teachers. You read "English Language and English Proficiency Levels" in category "Language" Formal measures are based on standardized test. They are very structured, timed and trained to be given and administered by very strict rules. It is sometimes very hard for and (ELL)s to take a formal test due to their reading,writing capabilities. As for informal measures, they are a little more hands on learning. As teachers we can do activities and determine students strengths orally and visually. Their is no set time and can be given in various languages not just English. It is very important the student is assessed correctly for the correct placement in his/her program. It is also very important to understand the federal laws that coincide with the equal educational opportunities for all students regardless of national origin, ethnicity,or languages. (Why TESOL? , 2010)  The consent decree was a law that was passed that consists of six different principals to be met in each section. Each (ELL)s student has to be assessed in six steps which include: identification, appropriate and categorical programming (LEP), personnel, monitoring and outcome measures. (Why TESOl? pp 210) After the (ELL)s are measured they now are placed in a certain level. Levels such as (A1- E) each of these levels indicate what (ESOL) service or basic program they will be placed into. Making sure the proper assessments are given before, during and after school is very crucial to ones learning. The very initial start of school is the most important evaluation and steps that need to be taken to follow the correct standards and laws for the English Language Learner. Performance Indicators 5. 1. a. Demonstrate an understanding of the purposes of assessment as they relate to ELLs of diverse backgrounds and at varying English proficiency levels. 5. 1. b. Identify a variety of assessment procedures appropriate for ELLs of diverse backgrounds and at varying English proficiency levels. 5. 1. c. Demonstrate an understanding of appropriate and valid language and literacy assessments for ELLs of diverse backgrounds and at varying English proficiency levels. 5. 1. d. Demonstrate understanding of the advantages and limitations of assessments, including the array of accommodations allowed for ELLs of diverse backgrounds and at varying English proficiency levels. 5. 1. e. Distinguish among ELLs’ language differences, giftedness, and special education needs. Course| Indicator(s)| How I learned about this Standard| Evidence that I learned about this standard| TSL 4080| 5. 1| Why Tesol? Chapters 22-26| Power point/ You tube| TSL 4081| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Standard 2: Language Proficiency Assessment: Teachers will appropriately uses and interpret a variety of language proficiency assessment instruments to meet district, state, and federal guidelines, and to inform their instruction. Teachers will understand their uses for identification, placement, and demonstration of language growth of ELLs from diverse ackgrounds and at varying English proficiency levels. Teachers will articulate the appropriateness of ELL assessments to stakeholders. Factors influencing the assessment of English Language Learners are very important to understand. Language factors and guidelines consist of: * Different linguistic backgrounds- * Varying levels of proficiency in English * Varying levels of proficiency in native language Educational Background Fact ors: * Varying degrees of formal schooling in native Language Cultural factors can also be a great source that adds complexity of appropriate assessing and (ELL)s student. T To plan the assessment, polls are taken by the general student population, which includes English Language Learners. Test taking is a way to getting a clear and valid interpretation of the students ability. Testing is done for all major purposes. They can be used to evaluate readiness for advancement, or for remediation. It is very important according to the laws that modifications must be made for ESOL students, based on the level and language skills of comprehension. It is very crucial that teachers don’t wait until the â€Å"know enough†to instruct the, in school content. Educational Testing Service, 2009, ETS, the ETS logo) It so happens that in many states, ESOL students who have been in the ESOL program for less than two years might be exempted from taking other testing. It is very important that the ESOL committee and school districts of that state evaluate all testing for ELL learners. (Why TESOL? p. 223-225) Domain 5: Assessment (ESOL Testing and Evaluation) Standard 2: Language Proficiency Assessment Teachers will appropriately use and interpret a variety of language proficiency assessment instruments to meet district, state, and federal guidelines, and to inform their instruction. Teachers will understand their uses for identification, placement, and demonstration of language growth of ELLs from diverse backgrounds and at varying English proficiency levels. Teachers will articulate the appropriateness of ELL assessments to stakeholders. Performance Indicators 5. 2. a. Understand and implement district, state, and federal requirements for identification, reclassification, and exit of ELLs from language support programs, including requirements of the LULAC Consent Decree. 5. 2. b. Identify and use a variety of assessment procedures for ELLs of diverse backgrounds and varying English proficiency levels. . 2. c. Use multiple sources of information to assess ELLs’ language and literacy skills and communicative competence. Course| Indicator(s)| How I learned about this Standard| Evidence that I learned about this standard| TSL 4080| 5. 2a5. 3b| Why TEOL? Chap 25| Online E-Learning Journel| TSL 4081| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Standard 3: Classroom-Based As sessment for ELLS Teachers will identify, develop, and use a variety of standards- and performance-based, formative and summative assessment tools and techniques to inform instruction and assess student learning. Teachers will understand their uses for identification, placement, and demonstration of language growth of ELLs from diverse backgrounds and at varying English proficiency levels. Teachers will articulate the appropriateness of ELL assessments to stakeholders Colorin Colorado (2007) states â€Å"Informal assessments (also called authentic or alternative) allow teachers to track the ongoing progress of their students regularly and often. While standardized tests measure students at a particular point in the year, ongoing assessments provide continual snapshots of where students are throughout the school year. By using informal assessments, teachers can target students’ specific problem areas, adapt instruction, and intervene earlier rather than later. †Adapted from: Eastern Stream Center on Resources and Training (ESCORT). (2003). Help! They don’t speak English. Starter Kit for Primary Teachers. Oneonta, NY: State University College. It is important to identify and develop certain assessments in a classroom. We as teachers can use performance based assessments by evaluating the language proficiency and schooling through oral reports, speeches, demonstrations, written work and personal portfolios. Here some examples of assessment activities that are geared up for ELL students, for their English speaking proficiency. * Reading buddies * Story telling * Role playing * Visual prompts with writing * Oral note taking * Telling a story with picture books * Playing fun games * Brainstorming with buddies These are some of hundreds of ideas for teachers to develop assessments with different techniques and tools. Teachers can track their growth an ability for placement for the student. Domain 5: Assessment (ESOL Testing and Evaluation) Standard 3: Classroom-Based Assessment for ELLs Teachers will identify, develop, and use a variety of standards- and performance-based, formative and summative assessment tools and techniques to inform instruction and assess student learning. Teachers will understand their uses for identification, placement, and demonstration of language growth of ELLs from diverse backgrounds and at varying English proficiency levels. Teachers will articulate the appropriateness of ELL assessments to stakeholders. Performance Indicators 5. 3. a. Use performance-based assessment tools and tasks that measure ELLs’ progress in English language and literacy development. 5. 3. b. Understand and use criterion-referenced assessments appropriately with ELLs from diverse backgrounds and at varying English proficiency levels. 5. 3. c. Use various tools and techniques to assess content-area learning (e. g. , math, science, social studies) for ELLs at varying levels of English language and literacy development. 5. 3. d. Prepare ELLs to use self- and peer-assessment techniques, when appropriate. 5. 3. e. Assist ELLs in developing necessary test-taking skills. 5. 3. f. Assess ELLs’ language and literacy development in classroom settings using a variety of authentic assessments, e. g. , portfolios, checklists, and rubrics. Course| Indicator(s)| How I learned about this Standard| Evidence that I learned about this standard| TSL 4080| 5. 3a,5. 3c5. 3d| Why TESOL? | http://www. colorincolorado. org/educators/assessment/informal/| TSL 4081| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | How to cite English Language and English Proficiency Levels, Essays
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