Saturday, March 21, 2020
EZOP Essays - Free Essays, Term Papers, Research Papers
EZOP Essays - Free Essays, Term Papers, Research Papers EZOP EZOP Ezop zvan jako Aispos byl eck vyprav a tvrce klasickch bajek. Narodil se pravdpodobn jako otrok thrckho nebo fryskho pvodu. Po proputn z otroctv hodn cestoval. Procestoval ecko, Babylonii a Egypt. Nkter zdroje uvdj e byl po cel ivot velmi nemocn. Podle povsti byl Ezop kiv obalovn ze svatokrdee a v Delfch odsouzen k smrti. dajn byl shozen ze skly do propasti. Ezop je tvrcem starovkch eckch bajek, krtkch epicko didaktickch tvar. Jde o pbhy se strunm djem, v nich vystupuj perzonifikovan bytosti z hmyzho, zvecho i rostlinnho svta. Alegoricky zastupuj vlastnosti a jednn lid. asto se objevuj i skuten lid a postavy boh. Dialog dv bajkm spd a na konci dochz k didaktickmu pouen. Napklad: O silnm lvu My snm Vlk v roue bernm O pynm orlu O chytr lice Zajc a elva O lvu a myi O lice a vrn Sv bajky pednel Ezop stn. Teprve ve 3. stolet ped n.l. byly jeho bajky psemn zaznamenny a pozdji zpracovny v mskm prosted do verovan podoby: Demtrios, Falern a Phaedrus, kter je autorem latinskho verovanho textu. LEV A MY Jedna my vyruila lva ze spnku a ten j za to chtl zabt a serat. Myka ho zaala prosit, aby j nezabjel, e se mu nkdy odvd pomoc z nesnz. Lev se zaal smt, jak by mohla mal my pomoci z nebezpe lvovi mocnmu a silnmu, ale nakonec my propustil na svobodu. Zanedlouho pili lovci a chytili lva do st. Lev se svjel v stch, ale pak k nmu pibhla mal my, rozkousala st a lva zachrnila. Lev j byl velice vdn a zjistil e i mal vci mohou lovku pomoci. Ponauen: I slab me pomoci silnmu. HAVRAN A HAD Havran neml co jst, a tu uvidl hada spt na kameni. Snesl se k nmu a chytil ho do zobku. Had se kroutil a nakonec havrana utkl. Ne havran zemel uvdomil si e kdy si ulovil hada, ulovil si i netst. Ponauen: Toto se hod na lovka, kterho nalezen pokladu pivede do nebezpe ivota. HAVRAN A LIKA Jeden havran ukradl kus slaniny a odletl s nm na vtev stromu. Lika uctila vni slaniny a dostala na nj chu. Vymyslela tedy na havrana lest a zaala mu lichotit jak m krsn hlas a e by ho chtla slyet zpvat. Havran byl pyn, jak mu lika lichot, otevel zobk a chtla zat zpvat, ale jakmile svj ed zobk otevel, upustil slaninu a ta spadla lice rovnou do tlamy. Ponauen: Bajka se hod na nerozumnho lovka. KOMR A BK Komr se posadil bkovi na roh a sedl tam velmi dlouhou dobu. Kdy chtl odlett, zeptal se bka, jestli mu nebude vadit, kdy u odlet pry. Bk mu odpovdl: Ale vdy j jsem ani nevdl, kdy jsi piel, ani nepoznm, a odejde. Ponauen: Tuto bajku bylo mono pout na bezvznamnho lovka, kter nen kodliv ani uiten svou ptomnost, nebo neptomnost. LEV A LIKA Lev zestrl a byl tak slab, e si nedovedl opatit potravu silou. Rozhodl se na to jt chytrost. Zalezl do jeskyn a pedstral, e je nemocn. Zvata, kter jej pichzela navtvit je seral. Jedin lika poznala jeho lstivost a to dky zvecm stopm, kter vedly dovnit, ale ne ven. Ponauen: Rozumn lid se vyhnou nebezpe, protoe je podle rznch znmek pedvdaj. NETOPR A LASIKY Bajka vyprv o netoprovi, kter spadl na zem a chytila ho lasika a chtla jej serat, protoe jejich pirozenost je vlit se vemi ptky. Kdy ji netopr pesvdil, e nen ptk, ale my pustila jej. Pozdji, kdy znovu spadl, chytila ho jin lasika, kter byla neptelkyn naopak my. Tentokrte se netopr vymluvil, e nen my nbr ptk a i podruh byl proputn a zachrnil si ivot. Ponauen: I my nesmme bt stle stejn a musme se umt pizpsobit okolnostem a tm uniknout i nejvtmu nebezpe. ZAJCI A LIKY Kdy zajci vedli vlku proti orlm, zvali liky, aby se staly jejich spojenci. Liky ale odmtly, pomohly by jim, kdyby nevdly kdo zajci jsou a s km vl. Ponauen: Bajka ukazuje, e ti, kte se rdi poutj do sporu s mocnjmi, nedbaj na svou bezpenost. OSEL A MEZEK Osel a mezek li spolu. Kdy osel vidl, e maj oba stejn nklad, zaal si stovat, e nen spravedliv, aby mezek dostval vce jdla a aby se o nj osla staral lpe ne o osla. Kdy uli kus cesty, viml si osla e osel cel nklad neunese, a tak dal kus jeho nkladu na
Thursday, March 5, 2020
One Sheep, Two Sheep, One Fish, Two Fish . . .
One Sheep, Two Sheep, One Fish, Two Fish . . . One Sheep, Two Sheep, One Fish, Two Fish . . . One Sheep, Two Sheep, One Fish, Two Fish . . . By Simon Kewin What do a sheep, a cannon and an aircraft have in common? The answer is that they all usually use the same word whether they are in the singular or the plural. If you have one sheep and then you acquire a second sheep, you now have two sheep, not two sheeps. Other words exhibit this strange behaviour too, often other sorts of animal. For example, bison, deer, moose, pike and swine all usually use the same word for their singular and their plural. So, strictly speaking, it would be incorrect to refer to several bisons, deers, mooses, pikes or swines. I say usually because this rather illogical rule is quite commonly broken and more regular plural forms do creep in for some of these words. Its actually quite common for people to refer to cannons for example. The Compact Oxford Dictionary says that the plural of cannon is only usually the same†so that, in fact, cannons is more and more acceptable. The process has gone further with other words. For both salmon and trout, for example, the OED now says that either form of plural is equally acceptable. You can say three salmon or three salmons, although many people would still find three salmon preferable. Similarly, the Merriam-Webster dictionary lists both deers and pikes as acceptable plural forms. The Compact Oxford Dictionary, meanwhile, still says that the correct plural for the word pike (meaning the type of fish) is pike. But, as if to illustrate how illogical this is, the plural of the word pike when it refers to the weapon is regular : pikes. This is another area where there will be disagreement among writers. On the one hand, â€Å"two cannon†is strictly correct but, on the other hand, â€Å"two cannons†is now a common usage and one which is, after all, perfectly clear in its meaning. Footnote : fish and fishes is an interesting case. Both the Oxford and the Merriam-Webster dictionaries say that the plural of fish can be either fish or fishes. In fact, the two plural words are often used to refer to different things. As the Oxford dictionary explains : The normal plural of fish is fish, as in â€Å"he caught two huge fish†; however the older form fishes is still used when referring to different kinds of fish: â€Å"freshwater fishes of the British Isles†. So you use fish when referring to more than one fish of the same type and fishes when referring to multiple fish of different types. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Spelling category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Homograph Examples3 Cases of Complicated Hyphenation50 Synonyms for â€Å"Villainâ€
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